Aruba HiSpeed Cache interfaces directly with an Aruba hosting platform's HiSpeed Cache service and automates its management.
Aruba HiSpeed Cache is a plugin that interfaces directly with the HiSpeed Cache service for an Arubahosting platform and automates its management in the WordPress dashboard, without having to access the website’s control panel.
The plugin can only be used if your WordPress website is hosted on an Arubahosting platform.
The HiSpeed Cache service significantly reduces the TTFB (first Byte transfer time) and webpage loading times.
When the service is active, the plugin lets you clear the cache automatically (and/or manually) every time a page or post is edited, without having to access the control panel for the website by clicking on the link provided.
HiSpeed Cache keeps dynamic content in the servers’ memory after the first time it loads, making it available for subsequent requests much faster, significantly speeding up website browsing. The plugin simply clears the cache every time a custom page, article or content item is edited.
For more details and to find out whether the HiSpeed Cache service is active on your website please refer to our guide.
HiSpeed Cache is a dynamic caching system that significantly improves webpage loading speeds. The active cache reduces the time to first byte (TTFB). The service also lets you clear the cache automatically or manually, whenever a page or any content is edited.
When the service is active, using the plugin means you can clear the website’s cache at any time directly from the WordPress dashboard, without having to access the hosting control panel. You can set the cache to clear automatically, or you can use the manual option.
You can install the plugin, but it was designed to interface with the caching system for an Aruba hosting platform. Purchase an Aruba hosting service then migrate your website to use the plugin.
No, you don’t need to because the caching system already excludes:
addresses with one of the following strings:
wp-login, preview=true, cart, my-account, checkout, addons, add-to-cart, wp-cron.php, xmlrpc.php, contact, task=registration, registerview=registration|administrator|remind|login, admin/content/backup_migrate/export, status.php, update.php, install.php, user, info, flag, ajax, aha;
requests with cookies containing one of the following strings:
wordpress_no_cache, comment_author, wordpress_logged_in_, yith_wcwl_products, wp-postpass_, it_exchange_session_, wp_woocommerce_session, woocommerce_cart_hash, edd_items_in_cart=1, jSGCacheBypass=1, wpSGCacheBypass=1, woocommerce_items_in_cart=1.