ARI Stream Quiz – WordPress Quizzes Builder

May 04, 2024

ARI Stream Quiz – WordPress Quizzes Builder Plugin

Easy to use WordPress Viral Quiz Plugin. Create Trivia and Personality quizzes in BuzzFeed style and collect unlimited leads.

Why you need this quiz plugin?

It helps to collect unlimited leads in a fun way without annoying popups and alerts. Just create interesting quizzes and share them for visitors of your site. Good quizzes add virality and help to increase page views on your WordPress site. It adds more places to show ads and monetize your content.

Create trivia quizzes like this to check knowledge in different areas or personality quizzes similar to that which help people to do a choice or help to reveal aspects of an individual’s character. Integrate tests with ActiveCampaign, AWeber, ConstantContact, Drip, GetResponse, MailChimp, MailerLite, Zapier and email marketing services, share results via popular social networks: Facebook, X, Pinterest, LinkedIn, VKontakt or by email.

ARI Stream Quiz is easy to use, it doesn’t need any extra knowledge. It requires only a couple of minutes to install the extension and create your first quiz. Enrich questions and answers with images. People love quizzes illustrated with pictures.

Do you want to try the plugin?

We have prepared demo site for you, check also backend part.

Main features are listed below. More information can be found in user guide.


  • Create unlimited quizzes with any number of questions and answers

  • Can reload browser for each question page to increase page views and show different ads

  • Lead capture. Integration with, Zapier, ActiveCampaign, AWeber, Drip, ConstantContact, GetResponse, MailChimp and MailerLite services

  • Use shortcodes anywhere. In quiz description, results and questions

  • Supports multiple answers selection for personality and trivia quizzes

  • Show the selected number of random questions from quiz question pool

  • Fully translatable backend and frontend parts. Contains English, French, Polish, Russian and Turkish translations

  • Load quizzes via AJAX

  • Can display several personalities on final page of personality test. Possible to show score for each personality (absolute or percent)

  • Show correct answers immediately after user answer, at the end of quiz or hide them

  • The plugin is responsive. Looks fine on computers, laptops and mobile devices

  • Show custom content at the end of quiz depends on number of correctly answered questions

  • Contains Buzzfeed and Standard themes and supports ability to create your own themes

  • Show questions in random order and shuffle answers

  • Display image credits. Just define description in WordPress media gallery

  • Share results on Facebook, X, Pinterest, LinkedIn, VKontakte or send by email

  • Embed quizzes into posts and pages via shortcode or into IFRAME element

  • See quiz results with user answers on backend

  • Export results to CSV

  • Adds Open Graph and X (Twitter) tags for better SEO

  • Collect and show statistics. Show diagrams to visualize data

  • Show “Play Again” button

  • Can refresh browser when quiz question page is changed to increase page views and show different ads

Are interested in other our WordPress plugins?

Try ARI Fancy Lightbox – free WordPress mobile-friendly lightbox,

Contact Form 7 Connector – integrate CF7 forms with MailerLite and MailChimp services,

ARI Adminer – WordPress database management plugin.


  1. Open ‘Plugin -> Add New’ screen in admin part of your WordPress site, type ‘ARI Stream Quiz’ in search box and click ‘Install Now’ button to install the plugin or use ‘Upload Plugin’ button on ‘Plugins -> Add New’ screen to upload file and install the plugin
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the ‘ARI Stream Quiz -> Quizzes’ screen to manage quizzes


  1. Frontend - Start quiz page

    Frontend - Start quiz page

  2. Frontend - A sample question

    Frontend - A sample question

  3. Frontend - Result page

    Frontend - Result page

  4. Backend - Quizzes page

    Backend - Quizzes page

  5. Backend - Test edit screen

    Backend - Test edit screen

  6. Backend - Settings page

    Backend - Settings page

  7. Backend - Test statistics

    Backend - Test statistics

  8. Backend - Quiz report

    Backend - Quiz report


How to create first quiz?

See this video tutorial. It demonstrates how to install the plugin and create the first test.

Is a detailed documentation available?

Sure, it is available here.

Is the extension compatible with my theme?

“ARI Stream Quiz” should work fine with any theme. If any problem occurs, feel free to contact us and we will resolve the problem ASAP.

Can I use images in questions?

You can use images in questions and answers. Images can also be used in result templates. Animated GIFs are supported.



  • Fix error on quizzes page


  • Maintenance and security release


  • Security fix for Contributor user role


  • Security fix


  • Maintenance and security release


  • Better integration with MailerLite (supports classic and new APIs)


  • Better compatibility with “Yoast Duplicate Post” plugin


  • Trim values from lead form
  • Fix some style conflicts in admin panel


  • Add “Apply” button to quiz edit page. It will redirect back to quiz edit page after saving changes
  • Improve preview functionality


  • Add “skip-lazy” class to quiz images to avoid conflicts with “Jetpack Boost” plugin


  • Fix potential possibility of XSS via msg URL parameter


  • Use KSES functions to clean content to avoid XSS attacks
  • Add support of NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode


  • Fix bug with latest jQuery versions when lockout answers option is enabled


  • Add asq-image CSS class to quiz images to provide better handling by 3rd party plugins


  • Fix bug: conflict with Yoast SEO plugin. Not possible to save quizzes


  • Fix bug: predefined variables are replaced with empty values


  • Fix integration with MailerLite


  • Fix bug: post titles were shown incorrectly in preview mode


  • Fix bug: quiz edit/create page sometimes frezees with loading icon


  • Better compatibility with PHP 7.1+


  • Fix bug: question ordering are incorrect on quiz edit page


  • Add Polish translation. Thank you Dominik Jandy


  • Add “Disable script optimization” parameter


  • Fix bug: only 10 lists are loaded from MailChimp


  • Supports “inline_scripts” shortcode’s attribute


  • Better compatibility with jQuery 3.x


  • Supports new Facebok API (v. 2.9)
  • Add Open Graph and Twitter tags


  • Improve installer


  • Integration with MailerLite service


  • Fix bug: Value of “Image answers per row” parameter is ignored and always show one image answer per row


  • Better compatibility with 3rd party plugins


  • Installer improved: if utf8mb4 charset is not supported by database, use utf8


  • Add “Support shortcodes” parameter to quiz settings. It adds ability to use shortcodes in questions, quiz description and results
  • Add hooks: asq_ui_quiz_settings_top, asq_ui_quiz_settings_bottom, asq_quiz_prepare_data


  • Add “Lockout single answers” parameter to plugin settings
  • Add hooks: asq_quiz_after_save, asq_admin_quiz_page_load, asq_ui_question_options


  • Fix bug: it is not possible to use “0” as answer or question


  • Add Buzzfeed theme


  • Fix bug: checkboxes are overlapped answer text in some themes


  • Improve performance and usability of quiz builder


  • Add {{userScorePercent}} predefined variable to trivia quiz templates


  • Possible to define default values on “Settings” screen for [streamquiz] shortcode parameters
  • Improve uninstall routine. Add “Advanced -> Clean uninstall” parameter on “Settings” screen
  • Add “Upgrade” tab on “Settings” screen
  • Fix bug: shortcode shows quizzes before post content
  • Fix bug: the plugin doesn’t work properly in WordPress version less than 4.5


  • Add French translation (Thank you to team)


  • Add translations for WYSIWYG editor
  • Add Russian translation


  • Show image credits, description from media gallery is used for this purpose


  • Add “Email” to share buttons


  • Highlight sub-pages in admin menu


  • WordPress Multisite support


  • Improve installer. Check PHP and WordPress versions before activation.


  • Bug fixing and code improvements


  • Adding MailChimp integration
  • Capture user data (name and email)
  • Create post/page with the shortcode in one click
  • Share results on Facebook, Twitter, Google+
  • Image lazy loading


  • Adding “Warning on exit” parameter to plugin settings


  • IE issue fixed


  • Show loading icon for backend pages


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.3.4
  • Active installations: 3,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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