Include your Appointmind or Schedule Organizer online appointment scheduling calender in any article or in the sidebar.
Include your Appointmind online appointment scheduling calender in any article or in the sidebar. This plugin requires that you have purchased either a monthly subscription or the downloadable version of the software. This plugin does not include the appointmind scheduling software. You can get the subscription or the software at (English) or at (Deutsch).
Plugins > Add New
and click Install Now
page in WordPress.No questions yet.
Added reason for booking to shortcode.
Use plugins_url() instead of WP_PLUGIN_URL.= 3.8.0 =
Added setting option that allows you to change the widget text.= 3.7.0 =
Fixed bug that prevented multiple iframes on te same page.
Updated iframe resizer.
Added short code to include patient order forms (lab results, referral, prescription medicine), e.g. [appointmind_patient_order form=”labresults”], [appointmind_patient_order form=”referral”], [appointmind_patient_order form=”prescription”]
Select specific calendar via the id attribute in the short code, e.g. [appointmind_calendar id=”w8z”]
Updated iframe resizer code.
Updated message library.
Updated message library.
Moved message code to the very bottom of wp_footer.
Changed locale file.
Changed description.
Changed description.
Changed description.
Changed description.