AMS Single Post Template Selector
Manoj Sathyavrathan By Manoj Sathyavrathan

January 23, 2022

AMS Single Post Template Selector Plugin

This plugin allows you to choose different template for individual post.

This plugin allows you to choose different template for individual post, for the purpose of single post view, by selecting previously created post template from the provided drop-down list in the post edit screen.

The plugin will replace the default template (single.php) with selected template for the post you applied the new template.

To create a post template, write an opening PHP comment at the top of the file that states the template’s name.

<?php /* Post Template - Name: Template Name */ ?> 

Please Note: Post template name ussage: “Post Template – Name:”.


  1. Install AMS Single Post Template Selector either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go!

Once you activated the plugin, create a post template in your theme’s folder and go to Posts > Add New screen in your admin dashboard.

On the right hand side top you’ll see Post Template Selector template drop-down list. This is where you are able to access your post templates.


  1. In post edit screen screenshot-1.jpg.

    In post edit screen screenshot-1.jpg.

  2. Template naming screenshot-2.jpg.

    Template naming screenshot-2.jpg.


How do I create new Post Templates?

To create a post template, create a php file in theme’s folder, write an opening PHP comment at the top of the file that states the template’s name.

<?php /* Post Template - Name: Template Name */ ?> 

PS: Post templates use: “Post Template – Name:”.

How do I use the Post Templates I created?

Go to Posts > Add New screen in your admin dashboard.
On the right hand side top you’ll see Post Template Selector template drop-down list.
This is where you are able to access your post templates.

Can I include this plugin in my theme for distribution without any cost?

Yes. Of course.

I have a question that wasn’t covered in the FAQ. How can I reach you?

Please email me at:

Bug reports are, of course, appreciated and cost you nothing.
I will try to make sure bugs are fixed ASAP.


Version 1.0

  • First Release


  • Version: 1.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.1
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10


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