AM LottiePlayer – Vector animations for WordPress

June 28, 2024

AM LottiePlayer – Vector animations for WordPress Plugin

The most complete Lottie Player plugin! It is lightweight, versatile and easy to use, and it works with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor and Flatsome.

The most complete free Lottie Player yet.

AM LottiePlayer is easy to use, lightweight, and gives you total control over how to implement crisp, vectorized animations to your website. Easily set up user interactions, choose between JSON or the optimized dotLottie format, choose whether to serve the files from a CDN or your own Media Library, choose how to scale the animation, add a nice description for screen readers and search eninge crawlers, and you’re off to the races!

Upload Lottie animations to WordPress and add them to Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor, Flatsome UX Builder, or via the shortcode [am-lottieplayer]. This plugin also offer partial support for WPBakery (formerly Visual Studio).


  • Contains two Gutenberg blocks: a player and a cover block with text overlay – great for headers.
  • Contains a Divi Builder Module
  • Contains an Elementor Widget
  • Contains the shortcode [am-lottieplayer]
  • Has intergration for Flatsome UX Builder
  • Has partial support for WPBakery (formerly Visual Studio)
  • Scripts are only loaded for pages where the player is used
  • Upload Lottie JSON or dotLottie files to your Media Library
  • Drag & drop a Lottie JSON or dotLottie file
  • Insert a Lottie JSON or dotLottie animation from URL
  • Choose scaling, speed, size, background color, interactions and more from the block settings in Gutenberg. The same settings are accessible in the Divi Module menu, the Elementor Widget menu, the Flatsome UX Builder menu, and WPBakery menu.



AM LottiePlayer is also available in a professional version, which includes more functionality and flexibility. The AM LottiePlayer PRO features are:

  • Combine animations in a single file via drag and drop
  • Control interactions and behaviour of each animation in multi-animation files
  • Convert JSON-lotties to dotLottie in an easy-to use GUI
  • Choose renderer: SVG, Canvas or HTML
  • More of the functionality from animations made with After Effects

Upgrade to AM LottiePlayer PRO


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Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Plugins menu
  3. Search for AM LottiePlayer
  4. Click Install Now and WordPress will take it from there
  5. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

Manual installation

  1. Upload the entire ‘am-lottieplayer’ folder to your plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

After activation

  1. Go to the WordPress Block Editor / Elementor / Divi Builder / Flatsome UX Builder
  2. Add new block / widget / module
  3. Search for Lottie
  4. Click on Lottie to add the block

If you want to use the shortcode [am-lottieplayer], it has the following parameters:

  • src: string (required)
  • autoplay: true | false, default: false
  • controls: true | false, default: false
  • loop: true | false, default: false
  • objectfit: cover | contain | none, default: contain
  • speed: number (1 – 5), default: 1
  • direction: 1 | -1, default: 1
  • onclick: true | false, default: false
  • onmouseover: true | false, default: false
  • onmouseout: void | stop | pause | reverse, default: void


  1. AM LottiePlayer works with Gutenberg…

    AM LottiePlayer works with Gutenberg…

  2. …as well as Divi Builder…

    …as well as Divi Builder…

  3. …Elementor…


  4. …and even Flatsome!

    …and even Flatsome!


What is the structure of the shortcode?

The shortcode [am-lottieplayer] has the following parameters:

  • src: string (required)
  • autoplay: true | false, default: false
  • controls: true | false, default: false
  • loop: true | false, default: false
  • objectfit: cover | contain | none, default: contain
  • speed: number (1 – 5), default: 1
  • direction: 1 | -1, default: 1
  • onclick: true | false, default: false
  • onmouseover: true | false, default: false
  • onmouseout: void | stop | pause | reverse, default: void

Here’s an example: [am-lottieplayer src="" controls="true" ]


3.1.8 – June 21 2024

  • Bugfix to admin.css, where broad selectors created unwanted behavior

3.1.7 – June 13 2024

  • Bugfix to backend script, fixing unwanted behaviour on blur event

3.1.6 – June 6 2024

  • Bugfix to frontend script

3.1.5 – June 4 2024

  • Bugfix to animation engine

3.1.4 – May 15 2024

  • Minor bugfixes

3.1.3 – May 8 2024

  • Minor bugfixes

3.1.2 – May 8 2024

  • Minor bugfixes

3.1.1 – March 31 2024

  • Minor updates to animation engine

3.1.0 – March 20 2024

  • Functional update to animation engine

3.0.7 – March 6 2024

  • Minor updates to animation engine

3.0.6 – Feb 12 2024

  • Minor updates to animation engine

3.0.5 – Jan 15 2024

  • Performance: More accurate use of Intersection Observer, to freeze/pause all animations out of view

3.0.4 – Dec 31 2023

  • Updated, optimized animation engine

3.0.3 – Dec 29 2023

  • Bugfix: Rollback of animation engine due to faulty script

3.0.2 – Dec 29 2023

  • Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused animation lag in some browsers

3.0.1 – Dec 20 2023

  • Added defer to loading of component scripts

3.0.0 – Dec 8 2023

  • Because we’ve launched a PRO version of this plugin some features, like boomerang, animation segments, external selector and the option to choose renderer has been removed from the free tier. Certain methods from animations made with After Effects (like loopOut) has also been omitted. The upside is that this plugin is now even more lightweight and less RAM intensive than before. To anyone who still might experiences this as a downgrade: you’re free to continue to use any version of this plugin below 3.0.0. However, if you’d like to support the development of this plugin, the premium version starts at $2.75 a month ($33 a year), and contains several requested features like the ability to combine and control multiple animations in a single file, or convert and optimize JSON to dotLottie. Read more about AM LottiePlayer PRO here!

2.5.17 – Nov 23 2023

  • Bugfix: Fixed compability issue with PHP 7.4

2.5.16 – Nov 15 2023

  • Bugfix: Fixed loading issue for third party builders

2.5.15 – Nov 11 2023

  • Compability with WordPress 6.4

2.5.14 – Sep 22 2023

  • Bugfix: Fixed playback error on Divi Shortcode


  • Bugfix: Fixed total frames display


  • Optimization: Terser script, as well as new functionality available within JS.


  • Bugfix: Fixed seeker on player


  • Bugfix: Fixed uninitialized PHP variable


  • Bugfix: Fixed seeker


  • New Feature: Better error handling
  • Bugfix: Fixed link for Divi builder


  • Minor bugfixes


  • New Feature: Added support for Divi Theme Builder


  • New Feature: Added option to play animation only once on scroll


  • Bugfix: Play on scoll functionality wasn’t working properly in certain browsers.


  • Minor bugfix.


  • Bugfix: Added polyfill for Buffer, allowing bitmap assets for dotLottie animations.


  • New Feature: Added play on scroll functionality


  • New Feature: Expanded possibility to play segments to Divi Builder


  • New Feature: Added possibility to play segments, in Gutenberg editor
  • Compability: Checked compability with new release of WordPress


  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with shortcode and namings


  • New Feature: Added support for selectors to Elementor, Flatsome, WPBakery and Divi


  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with Boomerang


  • New Feature: Added selector option for interactions
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue in Gutenberg where the player lost connection on block move


  • Bugfix: Issue prevented Gutenberg backend from working properly


  • Optimization: Preparatioins for future functionality expansion


  • New Feature: Adding preview of animations in Media Library


  • Optimization: Minor patches


  • New Feature: Added partial support for WPBakery


  • Bugfix: Minor errors in shortcode
  • Optimization: More options for screen readers


  • Optimization: Bugfix in frontend script


  • Optimization: Minor patches


  • New Feature: Added support for Flatsome UX Builder


  • Bugfix: An error caused shortcode not to load necessary scripts.


  • Optimization: WCAG compliance


  • Optimization: Less weight – same functionality!


  • New Feature: Added support for Elementor.
  • Optimization: Made scripts load dynamically only when used
  • Bugfix: Minor bugfixes


  • Optimization: Updates to animation engine. Faster and even more lightweight!


  • Bugfix: typo in dotLottie decompression, causing base64 encryption of bitmap images to break.


  • Version: 3.1.8
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 5.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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