All Bootstrap Blocks

June 30, 2024

All Bootstrap Blocks Plugin

Create fully responsive Bootstrap 5 page layouts. 37 free blocks including containers, rows, columns, modals, accordions, cards, buttons and much more …

Create fully responsive Bootstrap 5 page layouts. 37 free blocks including containers, rows, columns, modals, accordions, cards, buttons and much more.

All Bootstrap Blocks is 100% free

Introducing All Bootstrap Blocks. The fastest and most simple way to create fully responsive Bootstrap 5 layouts directly in the WordPress editor with a live preview! Plus we’ve included blocks for all of the Bootstrap components, including modals, accordions, cards and much more.

It’s time for All Bootstrap Blocks.

Quick and easy Bootstrap customisation

All Bootstrap Blocks automatically includes both the Bootstrap CSS and JS, and provides a simple to use interface for managing all of your Bootstrap settings… without coding. Easily setup your colours, fonts, spacing and everything else. If you want more control over Bootstrap you can simply turn this feature off and include your own Bootstrap files.

Check out all of the available customisations.

Fully responsive layout blocks with live preview

Build responsive, mobile-first layouts directly in the WordPress editor with a live preview. All layout blocks allow you to set device specific settings across 6 different breakpoints and include all of the Bootstrap settings like alignment, ordering and much more without needing to write a single line of code.

Check out all of the available layout blocks.

6 responsive layout blocks

  • Strip.
  • Container.
  • Row.
  • Column.
  • Column Break.
  • Div.

20+ Bootstrap component blocks

We’ve created blocks for all of the Bootstrap components from accordions and modals to buttons and cards. All blocks preview directly in the block editor, work seamlessly with other WordPress blocks and have loads of options so you can tailor them to your needs.

Check out all of the available components.

20+ component blocks

  • Accordion.
  • Alert.
  • Breadcrumb.
  • Button.
  • Button group.
  • Card.
  • Card group.
  • Carousel.
  • Collapsible content.
  • List group.
  • Modal.
  • Navs & tabs.
  • Offcanvas.
  • Progress bar.
  • Spinner.
  • Toast.
  • + much more

**NEW** 1,600+ Bootstrap icons

We’ve created a NEW icon block that provides access to over 1,600 high quality Bootstrap icons with the ability to add them directly in to the block editor.

Check out all of the available icons.

Full documentation available

We have pulled together full, in-depth documentation explaining how to use every one of our custom blocks.

You can read the full documentation here.

If you have any questions or are unsure about how something works then please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our support forum here.


  1. Upload the all-bootstrap-blocks directory into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Start adding blocks


  1. Automatically include Bootstrap or include your own version

    Automatically include Bootstrap or include your own version

  2. Manage all of your Bootstrap settings in the dashboard

    Manage all of your Bootstrap settings in the dashboard

  3. Create responsive layouts directly in the editor

    Create responsive layouts directly in the editor

  4. Choose from over 20 component blocks (Carousels)

    Choose from over 20 component blocks (Carousels)

  5. Choose from over 20 component blocks (Modals)

    Choose from over 20 component blocks (Modals)

  6. Choose from over 20 component blocks (Accordions)

    Choose from over 20 component blocks (Accordions)


Which versions of Bootstrap are supported?

All Bootstrap Blocks supports Bootstrap version 5.

Is Bootstrap included?

Bootstrap is included. However you have the ability to switch this off in your WordPress dashboard if you would like to include your own version of Bootstrap. Read the documentation here.

Do you want to suggest a feature or report a bug?

Please add any feature requests or bugs within the support section.



  • FIX:


  • FIX: Vulnerability fix reported by patchstack
  • FIX:
  • FIX:


  • FIX:
  • FIX:
  • FIX: Vulnerability fix reported by patchstack
  • FIX:


  • FIX:
  • Feature: Allowed blocks to be excluded
  • FIX:
  • FIX:


  • FEATURE: Added Bootstrap 5.3.3
  • FEATURE: Added css grid –
  • FIX: PHP 8.2 errors and warnings


  • FIX:


  • FIX: WP 6.4 updates
  • FIX:


  • FIX:
  • FIX:
  • FIX:


  • FIX: Bootstrap icon styles being included multiple times –
  • FEATURE: Ability to filter variables –


  • FIX: Unable to deleta plugin
  • FIX: Error notices on PHP 8
  • FIX:


  • FIX: undefined error in JS
  • FIX: Group spacing not working


  • FIX: Security issue – a CSRF vulnerability occurs that can reset settings
  • FIX: Enabled data-bs-target to be set
  • FEATURE: Made column options load from Bootstrap settings
  • FIX: $blocks returning blank
  • FIX: Can’t set margin to 0 on different breakpoints
  • FEATURE: Enabled custom colours to be added to colour lists


  • FIX: Extra margin being added in editor
  • FIX: add_block_styles faling
  • FIX: Duplicated blocks also duplicates id
  • FIX: Incorrect header styling / CSS conflict
  • FIX: Added col-auto as an option to column sizing


  • FIX: Missing $variable-prefix settings
  • FIX: Block ids changing and forcing auto save
  • FIX: Hidden lightspeed settings as not going to be supported in this plugin


  • FIX:
  • FIX:
  • FIX:


  • FEATURE: Enabled custom stock categories to be added
  • FIX: Error notice when using popover and not selecting defaults
  • FIX: Added stretched link to posts and content with items blocks
  • FIX: Made header smaller on tablet to match layout


  • FIX: Unable to update component settings due to $_POST size
  • FIX: Contact details in footer breaking on to two lines
  • FIX: Featured image not displaying on inner page banner – video displays instead
  • FIX: Stock images displaying even if icons are selected
  • FIX: Full width carousel not displaying images as contain
  • FIX: stretched link being added to items even when the content includes a link
  • FIX: On continue reading replace p tags with line breaks.
  • FIX: Social icons not algined correctly
  • FIX: Hero padding not working with dividers
  • FEATURE: Added webp image conversion to performance module
  • FEATURE: Added star and square patterns


  • FEATURE: Added additional patterns to Lightspeed
  • FEATURE: Added performance module to Lightspeed
  • FEATURE: Added Bootstrap v5.3.0
  • FIX: Hide background on device not working
  • FIX: Theme colors being overriden by Bootstrap colors


  • FEATURE: Enabled icons on items
  • FIX: Unable to uninstall plugin from WP dashboard
  • FIX: When using PHP 8.1 deprecated notice appears on compile
  • FIX: Polish charcters not displaying corretly when used within the carousel block


  • FIX: Notice displays for missing widgets


  • FIX: Widgets and reuseable blocks not displaying styles correctly
  • FIX: Missed reusabel block code
  • FEATURE: Made lightspeed block settings available


  • FIX: Strip block returns error and cannot be previewed


  • UPDATE: Added blocks to be used with Lightspeed theme


  • FIX: When trying to add a background block errors


  • FEATURE: Enabled Bootstrap imports to be excluded from compiled CSS
  • FEATURE: Added custom alignment controls to allow Wide and Full width to be selected in child blocks
  • FEATURE: Added tabs block to anable tabbed content
  • FIX: Bootstrap settings revert on dectivate / reactivate


  • FIX: Make Strip block full width aligned as default
  • FEATURE: Added utility classes for bg, text and border to strip, container, div and column blocks
  • FEATURE: Added Bootstrap theme colors to background color picker


  • FEATURE: Added align to strip, container and carousels


  • FEATURE: Added breakpoints and container max-widths to available settings


  • FIX: ScssPHP conflicting with other plugins
  • FEATURE: Added Reset All to Bootstrap settings


  • FIX: Forcing max-width to 100% on all WordPress blocks
  • FEATURE: Added icons to buttons


  • FIX: Open in new tab not working on a number of blocks
  • Fix: Carousel doesn’t auto scroll


  • FEATURE: Enabled exporting and importing All Bootstrap Blocks settings
  • UPDATE: Made compatible with WPML translator
  • FIX: PHP notice displaying on 404 page
  • FIX: Updated default value to array for post grid > post_ids
  • FIX: Removed additional class being added to post grid block


  • UPDATE: Allow up to 6 columns on post grid / content grid
  • FIX: Change card sizes to use min-height instead of height
  • FIX: Make sure prepend title overlays any backgrounds that are added
  • FIX: Post grid has rogue which is closing page up
  • FIX: Changing banner size doesn’t update size on the front end
  • FIX: Pagination not working – doesn’t go to page 2 etc
  • FIX: Include max_execution time in compiling of Bootstrap to make sure there is enough time to finish ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’);
  • UPDATE: Update media grid to use php to render front end view and make sure it matches formatting in Builder
  • FIX: Change screenshot for icon block and add screenshot for media grid
  • UPDATE: Allow images to be cover or inline – media grid / content grid
  • UPDATE: Allow height to be set if inline selected – media grid / content grid
  • UPDATE: Allow selection of custom post types within post grid
  • UPDATE: Allow max height and width on media images and content grid images
  • UPDATE: Add Extra small to media size for content grid images container
  • FIX: Content grid not going the full width


  • FEATURE: Added icon block
  • FEATURE: Added strip blocks (in beta)


  • FIX: Size option missing from modal block


  • FIX: Auto complete Bootstrap classes not working within sub directory setup


  • FEATURE: Added quick search for Bootstrap classes above additional classes field
  • FEATURE: Enabled control over where All Bootstrap Blocks css gets added to page
  • FEATURE: Added custom icons to each block
  • FEATURE: Enabled using theme.json to populate Bootstrap settings
  • FEATURE: Enabled block templates to be overridden in theme


  • FIX: Accented characters formatting incorrectly within the carousel block


  • FIX: AREOI specific classes impacting other theme styles


  • FIX: Background colour not showing when not using included Bootstraps
  • FIX: Background videos not auto playing if they have sound
  • FIX: Colour not pre-selected for background
  • FIX: Not able to click the bottom block within a column


  • When upgrdaing the plugin to a new version the compiled scss was being changed. We have added in functionality to re compile all bootstrap files after upgrade.


  • With the option to hide the core button and column blocks, blocks from other plugins were being hidden. We have updated the functionality to only excluded the selected blocks and made sure no other plugins are impacted by our code.


  • Version: 1.3.18
  • Active installations: 3,000
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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