AJAX Login and Registration modal popup + inline form

May 12, 2024

AJAX Login and Registration modal popup + inline form Plugin

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features.

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features + inline form using shortcode. Compatible with any theme.



  1. Easy to integrate (as modal or inline via shortcode)
  2. Well customizable
  3. 100% responsive
  4. Beautiful coded
  5. Compatible with other plugins (WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Ultimate Member, WPML, etc)
  6. Tested with latest WP version
  7. Compatible with the Gutenberg
  8. Possible to replace wp-login.php with a custom “Login”, “Registration” and “Reset password” pages
  9. Skins support (1 default skin + 2 new in PRO version) + possible to customize Skins colors via WP Customizer
  10. Powerful after-login/registration/logout actions (reload, redirects, etc)
  11. Role based redirects (in PRO)
  12. In-build reCaptcha & MatchCaptcha (in PRO)
  13. Google Authenticator plugin & Wordfence 2FA support (in PRO)
  14. Developer support (via forums or personal via email for PRO users)

Customization options:

  1. You can add your custom CSS selectors to attach modal
  2. All texts/messages can be edited/translated in settings
  3. Emails (for registration and lost password) can customized in settings7

Free version compatible with (and other, this is 100% tested):

  1. Login LockDown (limit login attempts count)
  2. WP Facebook Login
  3. WP Foto Vote contests (photo contest plugin from author of this plugin ☺)
  4. All In One WP Security & Firewall (tested with “Renamed Login Page”)
  5. Eonet Manual User Approve: review user before they an sign in – tutorial
  6. WPML: Multi-language support – tutorial
  7. Weglot translation plugintutorial
  8. s2member plugin: tweaks for login process
  9. New User Approve plugin: review approve new users registrations


  • +Allow to include form to page content (without modal) (done in version 1.41)
  • +Colors/styles customizer [implemented via WP Customizer]
  • +Documentation and Videos [done] – https://docs.maxim-kaminsky.com/lrm/
  • +WooCommerce Login/Registration form integration (done in PRO version 1.28)
  • Registration Form builder
  • +Settings Import/Export [done]

PRO features

  • 6 months personal support from developer via Email
  • Troubleshooting problems and conflicts with other plugins/themes
  • Unlimited plugin updates
  • Compatibility with other popular plugins (list below)

The PRO version extra features:

  1. Allow user set custom password (not random generated) during registration
  2. Redirect user to specified page after login/registration/logout (for example to the User Profile)
  3. User verification via click on the link in registration email
  4. Email only registration – hide username filed from registration form
  5. Customize buttons color in WP Customizer
  6. Request other feature >>

The PRO version is 100% tested and are compatible with a following plugins:

  1. Wordfence & Wordfence Login Security (2 factor login – example)
  2. WooCommerce (show modal when clicked “Add to cart” in list or single product or in Cart when click “Process to Checkout”, option to replace WC account login/registration form to plugin ajax form)
  3. WooCommerce Sensei (fix for Login process)
  4. WP reCaptcha Integration
  5. Invisible reCaptchatutorial
  6. BuddyPress (replace default registration form with BuddyPress one >>)
  7. UltimateMember (replace default registration form with UltimateMember one >>)
  8. Captcha
  9. Really Simple CAPTCHA
  10. Captcha bank
  11. WordPress Social Login (social login buttons below login/register form)
  12. Social Login WordPress Plugin – AccessPress (social login buttons below login/register form)
  13. WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin – Super Socializer (social login buttons below login/register form, social share, etc)
  14. WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin – Super Socializer (social login buttons below login/register form, social share, etc)
  15. Jetpack – SSO loginWordPress.com login button >>
  16. WC Vendors & WC Vendors ProApply to become vendor checkbox >>
  17. MailChimp for WordPressSubscribe to newsletter checkbox >>
  18. Google AuthenticatorGoogle Authenticator field during the login
  19. Gravity Forms + Gravity Forms User Registration Add-OnReplace with Gravity Forms registration form
  20. Easy Digital Downloads – soon
  21. Request other plugin >>



Known issues

  • With Theme my login (TML) plugin (3 Password fields on the Create Account tab, if enable password field in LRM and TML)


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ajax-login-registration-modal-popup directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the ‘Settings’ -> ‘Login/Register modal’ screen to configure the plugin


  1. Login tab + Icomoon Icons

    Login tab + Icomoon Icons

  2. Registration tab + Material Icons

    Registration tab + Material Icons

  3. Lost password tab

    Lost password tab

  4. Inline example

    Inline example

  5. Integration link or button element

    Integration link or button element

  6. Integration to menu item

    Integration to menu item

  7. Admin settings - General

    Admin settings - General

  8. Admin settings - Advanced

    Admin settings - Advanced

  9. Admin settings - Emails

    Admin settings - Emails

  10. Admin settings - Expressions

    Admin settings - Expressions

  11. Admin settings - Skins

    Admin settings - Skins

  12. Admin settings - Actions/Redirects

    Admin settings - Actions/Redirects

  13. Admin settings - Auto-trigger [PRO]

    Admin settings - Auto-trigger [PRO]

  14. Admin settings - Auto-trigger (post settings) [PRO]

    Admin settings - Auto-trigger (post settings) [PRO]

  15. Admin settings - Integrations [PRO]

    Admin settings - Integrations [PRO]

  16. Admin settings - Pages

    Admin settings - Pages

  17. Admin settings - Registration user role [PRO]

    Admin settings - Registration user role [PRO]

  18. Admin settings - Security (captcha) [PRO]

    Admin settings - Security (captcha) [PRO]

  19. Registration with Password field [PRO]

    Registration with Password field [PRO]


How to integrate this plugin to my website?

As modal:
Just add class lrm-login to the <button> or <a> element for show login tab or lrm-signup for registration tab.

Example: <a href="/wp-login.php" class="lrm-login">Login</a>

Inline mode:

Use shortcode [lrm_form default_tab="login" logged_in_message="You are currently logged in!"]
You can pass to default_tab params: “login”, “register” or “lost-password”.
Param logged_in_message will be displayed if used is logged in (html is allowed).

How can I attach modal to menu item?

Use this tutorial to add class from text above for your menu element – https://www.lockedowndesign.com/add-css-classes-to-menu-items-in-wordpress/

Class “lrm-hide-if-logged-in” is not working in GeneratePress theme?

[https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-easily-add-custom-css-to-your-wordpress-site/](Add this custom css):

body.logged-in li.lrm-hide-if-logged-in a { display: none; } body.logged-in li [class*='lrm-hide-if-logged-in'] a { display: none; } 

Thanks to Kash Monsefi for a report.

How can I add log out link/button?

Please read this post: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/logout-link-8/#post-10180543

How can I call modal from Javascript?

Look at “Developer hooks” section below.

Developer hooks


For add your hook when user successful logged in/registered use action “lrm_user_logged_in”

jQuery(document).on('lrm_user_logged_in', function(response, $form) { // Your JS code }); 

To call from the JS modal with login tab:


To call from JS modal with registration tab:


Example for load Modal after page load (this will work only if user not logged in):

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){ $(document).trigger('lrm_show_login'); }); 

Login issue with Adminize plugin

If you have login issue with Adminize plugin – go to Adminize plugin settings and enable option “Allow page access”.


VER 2.24 – 12/05/2024

  • XSS Vulnerability fix
  • Tested with WordPress version to 6.5.3

VER 2.23 – 02/03/2023

  • Tested with WordPress version to 6.2
  • Fix for sanitize_title function
  • JS tweaks to avoid JQMIGRATE warnings

VER 2.22 – 23/05/2022

  • Fix for WooCommerce 6.5.0+ and emails
  • Up WP tested version to 5.9.3
  • Filter apply_filters('lrm/form/remember_me_checked', 'checked') to allow un-check “Remember me” by default

VER 2.21 – 08/10/2021

  • Up WP tested version to 5.8.1

VER 2.20 – 13/02/2021

  • Added support for multi-language redirect for Weglot plugin

VER 2.18 and 2.19 – 02/02/2021

  • Fxi for password reset

VER 2.17 – 31/12/2020

  • Small WP 5.6 tweaks

VER 2.16 – 27/10/2020

  • Fixes for the New User Approve plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/new-user-approve/
  • New filter for the mail body: $mail_body = apply_filters( ‘lrm/mail/mail_body_filter’, $mail_body_templated, $mail_body, $subject, $mail_key, $to );

VER 2.15 – 27/10/2020

  • “redirect_to” param can be passed to the inline shortcode
  • Warning if the WP settings & browser url Scheme or Domain doesn’t math

VER 2.14 – 15/07/2020

  • Limit Login Attempts Reloaded tweak (each login attempt decrease limit count to 2)
  • Added some styles for the “MailChimp for WordPress” checkbox

VER 2.13 – 27/04/2020

  • Restored registration with a WP-Recall plugin active
  • Login Security Improvements
  • Limit Login Attempts Reloaded – https://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-login-attempts-reloaded/
  • Hash param to trigger modal: https://docs.maxim-kaminsky.com/lrm/kb/hash-param-to-trigger-modal-or-change-the-tabs/
  • Fix for the “Confirm use of weak password” checkbox on the Password reset page

VER 2.12 – 8/04/2020

  • Integrated the Polylang plugin – https://docs.maxim-kaminsky.com/lrm/kb/multi-language-set-up-via-polylang/
  • Config files for the Loco Translate plugin

VER 2.11 – 23/03/2020

  • Fixed issue – submit button shows like the Full width even if should have default style

VER 2.10 – 04/03/2020

  • Fixed issue – on any page list of all WP pages is fetched from the Database (thanks to @nexlaa)
  • Fixed issue – tags {{FIRST_NAME}} & {{LAST_NAME}} aren’t working in the lostpassword email

VER 2.09 – 16/02/2020

  • Do not allow registration with the mismatch passwords

VER 2.08 – 1/12/2019

  • Options to hide the tabs in modal & full-width submit button style

VER 2.07 – 10/10/2019

  • Fixed issue with nickname used and a display name in WooCommerce and Buddypress
  • Added a few password reset missing messages to translations
  • Added option to send admin notify email to the custom email
  • Compatibility with a Simple History plugin
  • Updated the screenshots

VER 2.06 – 18/08/2019

  • Match Captcha small tweaks

VER 2.05 – 10/08/2019

  • Fixed issues with “<>” characters in the user password
  • Removed deprecated function screen_icon()
  • Updated WC form template to the WooCommerce 3.6
  • Small fix for the Admin Redirects configurator

VER 2.04 – 26/04/2019

  • Stop executing wp_redirect during login process instead of showing error
  • Fix for WooCommerce 3.6.2 (WC emails style broke the registration process)

VER 2.03 – 07/04/2019

  • Fixed a bug during Registration that happens with disabled “Terms” box
  • Added “Debug” section to the “Advanced” tab to simplify debug AJAX errors
  • Redirect logged in user from the plugin Login/Register pages to the “redirect_to” GET param – useful if user is logged in on the another tab

VER 2.01 – 07/03/2019

  • “Hide Password” text replaced with Icon
  • Lazy load script “zxcvbn.min.js” with 800 kb size

VER 2.00 – 11/02/2019

  • Added option to select custom “Login”, “Registration” and “Reset password” pages
  • Complete rewritten after-login/registration/logout actions (reload, redirects, etc)
  • Added skins support
  • Added new emails tags: {{EMAIL}}, {{HOME_URL}}, {{FIRST_NAME}}, {{LAST_NAME}}

VER 1.50 – 05/01/2019

  • Complete rewritten [https://docs.maxim-kaminsky.com/lrm/kb/multi-language-support-via-wpml/](WPML support), for make compatible with WPML 4.1+
  • Added filter “lrm/users_can_register” to allow override global WordPress option “users_can_register”
  • Tweaks for Eduma WP theme
  • Fix – do not possible to hide review message on plugin settings page
  • Scroll to the errors text on form submissions errors

VER 1.41 – 02/11/2018

  • New option – use WooCommerce emails templates, so your emails will looks the same (useful for WC stores)
  • Tweaks for password managers
  • Put the cursor in the first field on modal open
  • Restrict submit form if request in process (so a user can’t continuously submit it many times)
  • Added new translations from https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/ajax-login-and-registration-modal-popup
  • Added new option for remove plugin data on deactivation

VER 1.40 – 10/10/2018

  • Tweak for https://wordpress.org/plugins/eonet-manual-user-approve/ (stop reset password during user approval)
  • A lot of JS & CSS updates – so please test your modal forms design and functionality after update!!
  • Inline mode with shortcode [lrm_form default_tab=”login”], where default_tab can be set as ‘login’, ‘register’, ‘lost-password’

VER 1.37 – 06/10/2018

  • Added new email – for admin about new user registration (please note – in case of using Social login this email will be not triggered)
  • Added html template field to simplify email templates customization – https://docs.maxim-kaminsky.com/lrm/kb/how-to-style-email-templates/

VER 1.36 – 05/10/2018

  • Tweaks for s2member plugin + tweaks that can fix possible issues wih any other plugins that tried to redirect after login
  • Fixed a bug with the “Forgot Password” link in modal

VER 1.35 – 20/09/2018

  • Fixes for a Polylang plugin

VER 1.34 – 18/09/2018

  • Tweaks for PRO compatibility with the Invisible reCaptcha plugin- tutorial
  • Tweaks for CSS & JS selectors for make them working even with prefixes, like “divi-lrm-login”, that can be added by some themes in menus
  • Added predefined list of menu items

VER 1.33 – 07/09/2018

  • Small tweaks for LRM Pro to allow the user create account with email only
  • Return user ID after login/registration to JS
  • Full compatibility with WPML plugin for multi-language support

VER 1.32 – 01/09/2018

  • Small tweaks for LRM Pro BuddyPress integration – option to disable BuddyPress form

VER 1.31 – 27/08/2018

  • Small tweaks for LRM Pro BuddyPress integration

VER 1.30 – 15/08/2018

  • Since this version if New Users Registration is Off in settings – Registration Tab will be hidden

VER 1.29 – 09/08/2018

  • Loading spinner html moved from php to JS to avoid issues with the W3C Total Cache plugin

VER 1.28 – 01/08/2018

  • Added filter “lrm/mails/registration/is_need_send” that allows stop sending registration email
  • Partial Russian translation added (thanks to @raccoon72)

VER 1.27 – 30/07/2018

  • Integrated auto-updater for PRO version

VER 1.26 – 26/07/2018

  • Small admin instructions tweaks
  • Optionally you can disable Browser validation (in Advanced section)

VER 1.25 – 21/07/2018

  • Fixed Critical issue if PRO version is installed and version < 1.17

VER 1.24 – 20/07/2018

  • Fixed password reset issues with WooCommerce installed
  • Fixed issue with slashed quotes after saving in Emails section
  • Minor fixes

VER 1.23 – 30/06/2018

  • Fixed issues with HTTPS and Login (when try open to /wp-admin/ wordpress require re-login).

VER 1.22 – 18/06/2018

  • Message about disabled user registration now displayed only on Plugin settings page (not site-wide)
  • Fixes for “All In One WP Security & Firewall” plugin

VER 1.21 – 14/06/2018

  • Fixed issue with Reset password: not possible use username to reset, only email

VER 1.20 – 10/06/2018

  • Warning if New Users Registration is disabled in WP Settings
  • Possible Hide First & Last name fields (Registration Form) in plugin Settings
  • Small settings fix: (default “true” values for checkboxes is added in a wrong way)
  • Changed “password reset” way: before after password reset request password was immediately changed, now email will be send with change password link

Update instructions from 1.1x to 1.20:

Open “EXPRESSIONS” tab and find “Lost password” section

“Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive mail with new password.”
“Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive mail with link to set new password.”

Open “Emails” tab and find “Lost password” section

Replace “Body” field text with following (or similar):

Someone has requested a password reset for the following username: {{USERNAME}}' . "\r\n\r\n" . If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address: {{CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL}}, 

VER 1.18 – 30/05/2018

  • New: added Username field to registration form, to avoid issues if user with equal First and Last exists

VER 1.17 – 25/05/2018

  • Fix: fixed issue with modal display in Safari for Windows
  • Tweak: scroll to error message, if error happens

VER 1.16 – 07/05/2018

  • Tweak: temporary fix for Cache: disable nonce verification if cache enabled

VER 1.14 – 02/05/2018

  • Bugfix: doesn’t possible to put Html into Terms text field + possible submit form without checking Terms box.
  • New: Added ability to change Email format: plain or html

VER 1.13 – 27/04/2018

  • Bugfix: On some sites Modal can’t work because form html is loaded after script

VER 1.12 – 25/04/2018

  • Bugfix: Registration “Terms box” it’s displayed even if not disabled in settings
  • Tweak: Option “Auto-login user after Registration” replaced with “User must confirm email after registration?”
  • Wording tweaks – thanks to @Paul from U2GUIDE.com

VER 1.11 – 23/04/2018

  • Notice if newer PRO version exists

VER 1.10 – 23/04/2018

  • Added German translation
  • Finally implemented support for https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/ajax-login-and-registration-modal-popup
  • “Show” and “Hide” password labels can be translated in admin
  • “Expressions” now escaped in admin and public to avoid issues with splashing quotes in FR and other languages
  • Other tweaks

VER 1.05 – 05/04/2018

  • Added French and Spanish translations (thanks to @EricMangin from u2guide.com)

VER 1.04 – 30/03/2018

  • Implemented get-text calls to allow add default translations for all languages. Use https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/ajax-login-and-registration-modal-popup to translate plugin.
  • Make password hidden **** by default

VER 1.01 – 11/03/2018

  • Added integration tutorial
  • Added .lrm-show-if-logged-in and .lrm-hide-if-logged-in classes

VER 1.0 – 03/03/2018



  • Version: 2.24
  • Active installations: 5,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.5


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