Advanced Settings

December 26, 2023

Advanced Settings Plugin

Get advanced settings and change all you imagine that are not provided by WordPress.

This is an essential plugin for your WordPress websites.

New Features

  • New admin page: Scripts
  • New admin page: Styles
  • Remove type=”text/javascript” attribute from <script> tag
  • Track and list enqueued scripts/styles
  • Merge and include removed scripts/styles
  • Load merged removed scripts in footer
  • Load merged removed styles

Post types

  • Manage/create/edit
  • Add supports: title, editor, author, thumbnail, excerpt, trackbacks, custom fields, comments, revisions, page attributes, etc.
  • Configure: hierarchical, has_archive, query_var, show_in_menu, show_ui, publicly_queryable, public, etc.
  • Taxonomies: category, post_tag


  • Fix incorrect Facebook thumbnails including OG metas
  • Hide top admin menu
  • Automatically add a FavIcon (whenever there is a favicon.ico or favicon.png file in the template folder)
  • Add a description meta tag using the blog description (SEO)
  • Add description and keywords meta tags in each posts (SEO)
  • Remove header WordPress generator meta tag
  • Remove header WLW Manifest meta tag (Windows Live Writer link)
  • Remove header RSD (Weblog Client Link) meta tag
  • Remove header shortlink meta tag
  • Configure site title to use just the wp_title() function (better for hardcode programming)
  • Limit the excerpt length
  • Add a read more link after excerpt
  • Remove wptexturize filter
  • Remove Trackbacks and Pingbacks from Comment Count
  • Insert author bio in each post
  • Allow HTML in user profile
  • Compress all HTML code
  • Remove HTML comments (it’s don’t remove conditional IE comments like: <!–[if IE]>)
  • Add Google Analytics code
  • Add FeedBurner code


  • Hide the WordPress update message in the Dashboard
  • Add dashboard logo
  • Unregister default WordPress widgets
  • Disable widget system
  • Disable comment system
  • Disable Posts Auto Saving
  • Automatically generate the Post Thumbnail (from the first image in post)
  • Set JPEG quality
  • Resize image at upload to max size
  • Display total number of executed SQL queries and page loading time
  • Fix post type pagination


  • Remove unnecessary jQuery migrate script (jquery-migrate.min.js)
  • Include jQuery Google CDN instead local script (version 1.11.0)
  • Remove type=”text/javascript” attribute from tag
  • Track enqueued scripts
  • Merge and include removed scripts
  • Load merged removed scripts in footer


  • Track enqueued styles
  • Merge and include removed styles


  • Disable wp filters/hooks


Contribute on github:

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” — Da Vinci


Upload plugin to your blog, activate it, then click on a setting options in admin menu (system, html code, post types and filters/actions).


  1. Menu


  2. The admin page

    The admin page

  3. The Filters/Actions admin page

    The Filters/Actions admin page



  • Updated code for WordPress version 5.5.3


  • Add styles admin page
  • Filters admin page fix
  • New description


  • Fixes for script actions & hooks


  • Add scripts admin page


  • Fix delete posttype bug
  • Update plugin links
  • Add Git repository


  • Fix migrate bug on update


  • Fix update options bug
  • Remove unnecessary jQuery migrate script (jquery-migrate.min.js)
  • Include jQuery Google CDN instead local script (version 1.11.0)
  • Fix incorrect Facebook thumbnails including OG metas
  • Remove header RSD (Weblog Client Link) meta tag
  • Remove header shortlink meta tag
  • Fix delete link in post types admin page


  • Organized admin menu creating new menu options


  • Disable The “Please Update Now” Message On WordPress Dashboard
  • Unregister default WordPress widgets
  • Remove widget system
  • The comment filter don’t remove conditional IE comments now


  • Actions/Filter admin page


  • Add auto post thumbnail
  • Add resize at upload
  • Add allow HTML in user profiles
  • Update form submit method (code)
  • pt_BR translation


  • Fix the “Remove comments system” bug


  • Increase the size of author thumbnail to 100px


  • Fix the “Insert author bio on each post”


  • Code compactor now skips the <pre> tag


  • Version: 2.4.0
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 5.0.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 5.3


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