ACF field. Saves map center, zoom level. Disables map zooming on scroll. Shows location coordinates. Bonus for programmers.
This plugin creates a new field for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
extending the functionality of the built-in Google Map field with several handy features:
The plugin makes use of the Google Maps API version 3.
The plugin doesn’t use an API key and is therefore operating under the restrictions of the free Google Maps API,
which should be more than enough for most websites.
This ACF field type is compatible with:
The plugin is translated to:
There is a POT file under the lang
directory holding all translation strings, so it should be pretty easy to translate to other languages.
Your votes really make a difference! Thanks.
This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2. See
directory)A. This plugin mimics the behavior of the Google Map field coming with the woderful Advanced Custom Fields plugin made by Elliot Condon.
Make sure you read the documentation for the original field first.
In order to benefit from the extended functionality set the field type to Google Map Extended, when you create a new custom field with ACF.
If you do everything correctly, you will see a togglable ‘Map data’ label below your map when editting a post/page with your custom fields.
To get the map data in the front-end code, simply request the field value with ACF API call and you will get the latitude, longitude, address, map center and map zoom.
<?php $values = get_field('*****FIELD_NAME*****'); $lat = $values['lat']; $lng = $values['lng']; $address = $values['address']; $map_center_lat = $values['center_lat']; $map_center_lng = $values['center_lng']; $map_zoom = $values['zoom']; ?>
A. Yes, you can. First, you should delete the built-in Google Map fields you want to upgrade in the corresponding field groups under Custom Fields.
Then you should create replacement Google Map Extended fields with the same Field Name.
Once done and field group saved, you can refresh the back-end pages making use of ACF Google Map fields and enjoy the extended functionality.
A. Yes. All maps are saved to the global array called acf_gme_maps. The array contains instances of acf_gme class and is indexed with the field IDs. You can use all class methods or get direct access to the map through map property.
This code will set the map’s zoom to 10.
A. You should do some front-end coding to do that, as this plugin (likewise Advanced Custom Fields itself) gives you the back-end features only and stores the data in your website’s database.
Please see code examples at ACF website.