Admin Trim Interface

April 14, 2021

Admin Trim Interface Plugin

Customize the WordPress admin pages by selectively removing interface elements on a per-user basis.

This plugin uses a combination of WordPress hooks, CSS (when possible), and Javascript (last resort) to removed specified admin interface elements. These elements may be considered by some to be superfluous interface elements that are undesired for one reason or another, so this plugin aids in their visual removal.

Each admin interface element is individually selected for removal. The elements that can be removed are:

  • The header WordPress logo (bear in mind this functions as a menu) in the admin bar
  • The home icon next to your site’s name in the admin bar
  • The “Howdy,” greeting before your username in the admin bar
  • Your username link to your profile in the admin bar
  • Your avatar in the admin bar
  • The Dashboard menu link in the sidebar
  • The contextual “Help” link
  • The footer links
  • The WordPress version in the footer

(There is an associated screenshot which points out these different sections.)

Note: These settings are global and will affect all users who are able to visit the admin pages.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


  1. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
  3. Click the plugin’s ‘Settings’ link next to its ‘Deactivate’ link (still on the Plugins page), or click on the ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Admin Trim Interface’ link, to go to the plugin’s admin settings page. Customize the settings to selectively remove admin interface elements.


  1. A image identifying the different elements of the admin interface that can be selectively disabled by the plugin.

    A image identifying the different elements of the admin interface that can be selectively disabled by the plugin.

  2. An image of the user section of the admin bar when "Howdy" and the username is hidden, leaving only the avatar.

    An image of the user section of the admin bar when "Howdy" and the username is hidden, leaving only the avatar.

  3. An image of the user section of the admin bar when "Howdy" and the avatar is hidden, leaving only the username.

    An image of the user section of the admin bar when "Howdy" and the avatar is hidden, leaving only the username.

  4. A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page.

    A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page.

  5. A screenshot of a fully trimmed admin interface.

    A screenshot of a fully trimmed admin interface.


Does this plugin allow for each admin user to customize the admin interface to their individual liking?

No. The settings for the plugin apply to all users within the admin pages and not to each user individually.

Why is the admin dashboard still accessible?

This plugin does not prevent access to the admin dashboard; it merely provides the ability to hide the admin sidebar menu button that leads to the admin dashboard.


3.5.1 (2021-04-14)

  • Fix: Update plugin framework to 061 to fix a bug preventing settings from getting saved

3.5 (2021-04-05)


  • This minor release updates the plugin framework and notes compatibility through WP 5.7+.


  • Change: Update plugin framework to 060
    • 060:
    • Rename class from c2c_{PluginName}_Plugin_051 to c2c_Plugin_060
    • Move string translation handling into inheriting class making the plugin framework code plugin-agnostic
      • Add abstract function get_c2c_string() as a getter for translated strings
      • Replace all existing string usage with calls to get_c2c_string()
    • Handle WordPress’s deprecation of the use of the term “whitelist”
      • Change: Rename whitelist_options() to allowed_options()
      • Change: Use add_allowed_options() instead of deprecated add_option_whitelist() for WP 5.5+
      • Change: Hook allowed_options filter instead of deprecated whitelist_options for WP 5.5+
    • New: Add initial unit tests (currently just covering is_wp_version_cmp() and get_c2c_string())
    • Add is_wp_version_cmp() as a utility to compare current WP version against a given WP version
    • Refactor contextual_help() to be easier to read, and correct function docblocks
    • Don’t translate urlencoded donation email body text
    • Add inline comments for translators to clarify purpose of placeholders
    • Change PHP package name (make it singular)
    • Tweak inline function description
    • Note compatibility through WP 5.7+
    • Update copyright date (2021)
    • 051:
    • Allow setting integer input value to include commas
    • Use number_format_i18n() to format integer value within input field
    • Update link to to be HTTPS
    • Update readme_url() to refer to plugin’s readme.txt on
    • Remove defunct line of code
  • Change: Move translation of all parent class strings into main plugin file
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.7+
  • Change: Update copyright date (2021)
  • Change: Tweak formatting for readme.txt changelog entry for v3.4

3.4 (2020-06-27)


  • This recommended release adds the ability to hide the “My Sites” icon, prevents output of plugin-specific settings styles on other admin pages, omits the type attribute for style tag for themes that support ‘html5’, updates the plugin framework, adds a file, updates a few URLs to be HTTPS, expands unit testing, updates compatibility to be WP 4.9 through 5.4+, and more.


  • New: Add ability to trim “My Sites” icon in admin bar
  • New: Add HTML5 compliance by omitting type attribute when the theme supports ‘html5’
  • Change: Prevent output of plugin-page specific CSS elsewhere
  • Change: Discontinue handling for contextual help text added via deprecated filter contextual_help
  • Change: Update plugin framework to 050
    • Allow a hash entry to literally have ‘0’ as a value without being entirely omitted when saved
    • Output donation markup using printf() rather than using string concatenation
    • Update copyright date (2020)
    • Note compatibility through WP 5.4+
    • Drop compatibility with version of WP older than 4.9
  • New: Add and move existing TODO list from top of main plugin file into it
  • Change: Refactor handling of dynamic CSS rules and ensure they output properly indented
  • Change: Adjust some CSS formatting (add second colon for ::before and spaces around >)
  • Change: Adjust output spacing for CSS
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.4+
  • Change: Drop compatibility for version of WP older than 4.9
  • Change: Add missing text domain from a few string translation calls
  • Change: Remove unnecessary numbering of sole placeholder in string
  • Change: Update links to to be HTTPS
  • Change: Update legend image
  • Change: Update screenshot images
  • Unit tests:
    • New: Add tests for add_css(), admin_init(), explain_nonce(), show_admin_notices(), show_legend_image()
    • New: Add test for setting name
    • New: Add helper set_current_screen() for setting the current screen, defaulting to plugin’s setting page
    • Change: Store plugin instance in test object to simplify referencing it
    • Change: Update tests for default hooks, removing a duplicate and adding 2 that were missing
    • Change: Use HTTPS for link to WP SVN repository in bin script for configuring unit tests (and delete commented-out code)

Full changelog is available in


  • Version: 3.5.1
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12


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