Admin Menus Accessibility – Quickly Search Admin Menus
Ayush By Ayush

April 23, 2018

Admin Menus Accessibility – Quickly Search Admin Menus Plugin

Admin Menus Accessibility is a WordPress plugin which adds extra accessibility feature into admin menu.

Admin Menus Accessibility will allow you to easily filter your WordPress Admin Navigation Menus. Using search filter, it will allow you to add particular menu item into a list of your favorite links.

Github Project

Admin Menus Accessibility on GitHub

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Please give your feedback in the review section, no matter if it is positive or negative. Both will contribute to the improvement of the plugin.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/admin-menus-accessibility directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin


  1. Menu Filter bar screencast preview

    Menu Filter bar screencast preview


Where can I see this plugin in action?

Check the search input above of the left admin menus

How can I search for particular menu sub items

For searching directly sub item of the menu you need to first type menu name then sub menu text after space. eg.
posts new this will show new menu item along with parent.

How to add item to fav tab

Hover your cursor to the menu item you want to add on fav list. then the heart icon will appear on just left to the menu item text and by clicking it will land that item on fav list.


1.0.0 (28 Aug 2016)

  • Initial Release.

1.0.1 (29 Aug 2016)

  • Removed 404 style and js on document load
  • Added nice notification balloons for fav action response.

1.0.2 (3 Sep 2016)

  • Support for Folded Menu

1.0.3 (21 Sep 2016)

  • Added language file (kailanwyatt)
  • Placed comments placeholder for later (kailanwyatt)
  • Switched json_encode with wp_send_json (kailanwyatt)
  • Tidy up white spaces (kailanwyatt)

1.0.4 (24 April 2018)

  • Fixed fav/unfav buttons bug.
  • Replaced font-awesome with dash-icons.
  • Added Search Highlights.
  • Changed menu filter into menu search.
  • Added tooltips on fav/unfav buttons.
  • Fixed some responsive issues.


  • Version: 1.0.4
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26


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