Add To Cart Button Customizations

February 27, 2024

Add To Cart Button Customizations Plugin

Add to cart button customization for woocommerce, button color, button font size, button radius, and added button icon, etc.

Add to cart button customization for woocommerce, button color, button font size, button radius, and added button icon, etc.
Hide add to cart button on a single product, Hide add to cart button on the shop page, woocommerce price hide on single product and shop page.
Add to cart button text change in single product and shop page. There are Global Settings options you can set add to cart button hide on the shop page, single page, or global page.
You can set add an icon on add to cart button text before or after.

Hide Add to Cart Button Woocommerce

Hide add to cart button specific product.

Woocommerce Hide Price.

Hide price for specific product.

Add to cart Button Color customization.

Button background color, Button text color, Button border color, Button hover color,
Button border size, Button border Radius, Button text font size, Button type, Button Icon, Button position.

Add To Cart Button Custom Settings0

Admin can hide “Add to Cart Button” Global Page, Shop Page or Single page.

Change The “Add to Cart Button” Text

Admin can change add to cart button text change.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

Install From WordPress Admin Panel:
1. Login to your WordPress Admin Area
2. Go to Plugins -> Add New
3. Search for “WooCommerce Add To Cart Button Customization”
3. Find this plugin Click “install now”
4. Activate The Plugin

Manual Installation
1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


  1. Add to cart Button background color.

    Add to cart Button background color.

  2. Button Hover color.

    Button Hover color.

  3. Added Icon "Add to cart" button & Icon Left side.

    Added Icon "Add to cart" button & Icon Left side.

  4. Icon Right side

    Icon Right side

  5. Button border width & radius

    Button border width & radius

  6. Hide "Add to cart" button on Shop Products

    Hide "Add to cart" button on Shop Products

  7. Hide "Add to cart" button on Single Product.

    Hide "Add to cart" button on Single Product.

  8. Hide Price & Hide Button.

    Hide Price & Hide Button.

  9. Admin Product Page.

    Admin Product Page.

  10. Button Hide Settings

    Button Hide Settings

  11. Add to cart button color customization

    Add to cart button color customization


Does this plugin regularly updates

Yes , we people behind this plugin regularly working to improve this plugin and also the features based on customer experience.

How Do You Provide Support

We people behind this plugin provide support through WordPress forums and we provide live support and also email support 24/7.

Why Woocommerce Website owner should use this plugin

This is the most advanced and effective pluging in the market.

Can I hide add to cart button for any specific product?

Yes, you can Hide add to cart button without having coding skill.

Can I hide Add to cart button Shop page

Yes, You can hide Add to cart button for shop page.

Can I hide Add to cart button specific product

Yes, You can hide Add to cart button for single product.

Can I hide Add to cart button Global product

Yes, You can hide Add to cart button for Shop products, Single Product.

Can I hide Price with this plugin

Yes, you can easily Hide price with this plugin

Can I change the Add to cart button text specific product

Yes, you can change Add to cart button text specific product with this plugin.

Can I add icon add to cart button

Yes, you can add icon “Add to cart button”.

Can I icon position set

Yes, you can set icon position left or right.



  • Bug Fix and Compatible version WordPress 6.4.3


  • Compatible version WordPress 6.2


  • Added Admin Notice.


  • Updated readme and Added Screenshot.


  • Init First version


  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Active installations: 600
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 5.2.4


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