Add LightBox & Title
ppalli By ppalli

March 04, 2011

Add LightBox & Title Plugin

This plugin for WordPress automatically add the rel="lightbox[ID-OF-THE-POST]" and recovers the image title.

This plugin automatically add the rel=”lightbox[POST-ID]” to images linked in a post and in a comment, and recovers the image title.
POST-ID is unique per post so all images per post are grouped in one LightBox set.
Doesn’t add the files required for LightBox, it’s add the “rel lightbox” tag.
You have to insert the required files yourself in your theme, you can use Lightbox 2, Shadowbox.js or an other script, or use a plugin like Shadowbox JS.


  1. Unzip the folder /add-lightbox-title/
  2. Upload it in /wp-content/plugins/ of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the Plugin
  4. And that’s it!


  1. The code without <em>Add LightBox & Title</em>

    The code without Add LightBox & Title

  2. The code with <em>Add LightBox & Title</em>

    The code with Add LightBox & Title


How disable the automatic addition for an image?

You must add rel=”nolighbox” to the image link.

Which script is better to use?

Can work with any script that uses the tag rel=”lightbox[xy]”, we recommend the use of the script Shadowbox.js by insert the script in the theme or via the plugin Shadowbox JS.

Shadowbox.js use the tag rel=”shadowbox[xy]” this plugin works however

Yes, Shadowbox.js normally use the tag rel=”shadowbox[xy]” but works however with the tag rel=”lightbox[xy]”



  • Released 25.05.2010
  • New: Compatible up to: 3.0


  • Released 27.02.2010
  • New: Allow all characters in the name of the image (Thanks Thiago)


  • Released 10.01.2010
  • New: Compatible up to: 2.9


  • Released 12.06.2009
  • New: Compatible up to: 2.8


  • Released 31.03.2009
  • Bug fix: If rel=”…” is alredy exist but not rel=”lightbox” add it
  • New: If user add rel=”nolighbox” not add rel=”lightbox[ID]”


  • Released 24.03.2009
  • Bug fix: Add Lightbox to text link
  • Bug fix: Don’t add “rel=…” and “title=…” if already exist in the link


  • Released 20.03.2009
  • Simplification of the code


  • Released 19.03.2009
  • First Release


  • Version: 1.5
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress Version: 2.7.0
  • Tested up to: 3.1.4


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