“Add infos to the events calendar” provides a shortcode block to single events for The Events Calendar Free Plugin (by MODERN TRIBE)
The lightweight plugin “Add infos to the events calendar” provides a shortcode block (image copyright, button with link to events with a special category, link to the website of the organizer) to single events for The Events Calendar Free Plugin (by MODERN TRIBE)
The path to the The Events Calendar (TEC) categories is automatically suggested during installation. To be on the safe side, however, you should check this by going to the relevant event after using the shortcut and checking that the links are executed correctly.
As a rule, the short code (description and examples see below) should be one of the last lines of a single event. However, the short code can also be used in principle in posts. In this case, you should usually not use the option “vl”, because this option refers to events, unless you want to link to a specific category in a contribution on events, for example.
Automatically displays the text from “Caption” (see Media, image details) in italics by default for an event or a post. A copyright notice should be entered in this field.
If the plugin is deleted, the shortcode remains in the posts and events. In this case use a plugin to delete the shortcodes, e.g. Shortcode Cleaner Lite (see wordpress.org). However, there is no guarantee that all shortcodes will be deleted correctly.
All options in the settings
Representation of the event in the frontend
Use in a single event (backend)
The reference to the photo must be entered in this field (caption).
Call via the icon at the top right of the menu bar. Then click on "Add Infos to the events Calendar".
Executing the Shortcodes in Gutenberg
A developement staff member of haurand.com.
Basically, this plugin can only be used if The Events Calendar is also activated. Of course, you can check if the plugin can also be used if you use another plugin for events. In this case I would be very happy about your feedback, because I would like to include this information in the description here.
If no Events plugin is used, the plugin can only be used to display the copyright and external as well as internal links via the shortcode.
No, if the plugin is deleted, the shortcode remains in the posts and events. In this case use a plugin to delete the shortcodes, e.g. Shortcode Cleaner Lite (see wordpress.org). However, there is no guarantee that all shortcodes will be deleted correctly.
When installing the plugin, the path to the categories of TEC is automatically recognized by the plugin. Under the heading you will see the following hint:
“This could be the path to the categories of The Events Calendar (TEC): (URL)
To be on the safe side, however, you should check this by going to the relevant event after using the shortcut and checking that the links are executed correctly.”
If the suggested path is not correct, you can proceed as follows:
Select “Events” -> “Event Categories” from the menu. You will then see the categories on the right. Move the cursor to “View” of a category and copy the URL e.g. with CTRL C. Then you will get e.g. the following URL: http://beispielseite.de/events/category/lesungen/
Then copy the URL in the settings of “Add Infos to the events calendar” into the field with the path, but without the category (lesungen), so that you get the following URL for the example: http://beispielseite.de/events/category/
It is extremely important to note the copyright notice in the text of photos. I had always done this by copying and pasting the caption from the featured image, but I’d already forgotten it.
The Shortcodes gets this information automatically from this field. I also wanted to place some additional and more visually appealing buttons. This is now also possible with the plugin (see examples).
great question 🙂
I already have some more ideas and can tell you that this plugin will definitely be further developed and get some additional features. An important aspect will be that the plugin remains lightweight. If you have any suggestions for further development, I would be very happy if you could tell me. Answer guaranteed, but I can’t guarantee that your ideas will be implemented 😉
Nowhere – but a donation to a charity that needs the money more urgently than I would be great. But I would be very happy about a positive review.
Yes, from version 1.0 on this option is new, see Settings and Changelog
By the way, we have found using of the plugin has positive effects in terms of SEO, i.e. findability and ranking on Google.
This is also logical because important factors are covered by the plugin:
The input of an internal and external link as well as the specification of a category when using TEC are very important with regard to SEO.
In addition, the plugin also encourages you to put more emphasis on creating appropriate input like alternative text for the photo or image.
As you know, several terms can be entered here.
In addition, we could notice a significant increase in the number of pages per visitor,
which is also related to the fact that the corresponding buttons are clicked more often at events and contributions.
As a rule, if the categories or internal and external links are carefully selected, it is possible to make visitors curious about further information and click on these buttons.